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ARTE / GLENAT kepregeny-író pályázat
dátum: 2005.07.28

Article 1
ARTE FRANCE, a public limited company ( société anonyme) with a capital of €9,147,314.64,
registered with the Trade and Companies Registry of Nanterre under the business
identification number ( SIREN) 334 689 122, whose registered office is located at 8, rue
Marceau, 92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux, represented by its Chairman of the Executive Board
( Directoire), Mr. Jérome Clement, on the one hand,
and GLENAT EDITIONS, a public limited company ( société anonyme), registered with the
Trade and Companies Registry of Grenoble under number B.302.069.414, whose registered
office is located at 6 rue du Lieutenant Chanaron, BP 177, 38008 Grenoble Cedex,
represented by its Chief Executive Officer ( Président Directeur Général ), Mr. Jacques Glénat,
on the other hand,
shall organise a free large-scale competition from 30 May to 30 November 2005 inclusive to
create a comic strip called the "FIRST EUROPEAN ARTE/GLENANT COMIC STRIP
It is the second edition of the competition. The first edition took place in 2003 and was won
by K. Gawronkiewicz and G. Janusz for the comic book Essence.
Article 2
This competition is open to all persons of full age, who are not subject to a protection order,
have never published a comic book in France, Belgium or Germany, with the exclusion of
permanent or temporary members of the organising companies' staff.
The participants must be nationals of a European country: France, Germany, Belgium, the
Netherlands, Great Britain, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Austria,
Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungry, Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro,
Romania, Bulgaria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland.
Article 3
This competition shall be promoted by the distribution/mailing of fliers at book and comic
strip exhibitions, on the ARTE channel, on the two organising companies' respective websites
(www.glenatbd.com and www.arte-tv.com/concoursbd), and by press relations through all
types of media.
Article 4
The presented projects must recount the adventure of a person in one or more mythical
European places (buildings, natural sites, etc.). The author(s) shall be free to choose the
style, with the exception of using an educational register. The choice of era may equally be
in the past, present and/or future.
In order to compete, the participants must send a project, which must be designed with a
view to creating a comic book of at least 32 pages. The members of the jury reserve the
right to define the number of plates (ranging from a minimum of 30 to a maximum of 46
plates) depending on the selected project.
The submitted file must contain the following:
• the first 5 to 8 plates of the book on paper (choice of homothetic format 19 x 27,
black and white or colour)
• the typed summary of the full project on a maximum of 4 pages setting out the
project in full, in French and English or German.
• the participant(s) must write their surname, first name, address, telephone number,
e-mail address (where applicable) on the back of each plate and the typed
The files are to be sent at the latest on 30 November 2005 at midnight (the post mark shall
constitute proof) to the following address:
Concours Européen de la Bande Dessinée
Editions Glénat
31/33 rue Ernest-Renan
92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux
Article 5
A participant may submit several projects.
Only one prize shall be awarded for the selected project even in the event where the said
project was created by a scriptwriter and an artist.
Article 6
No documents sent for the competition shall be returned to the participants, except where
an appropriate stamped self-addressed envelope is provided for the return of such
These documents may be collected from Glénat Editions, 31/33 rue Ernest Renan, 92130
Issy-Les-Moulineaux from 2 January 2006 to 15 February 2006.
The organising companies decline all responsibility in the event of loss of or damage to the
documents, which are sent to them.
Article 7
All competition participants undertake to use images free of all rights or their own original
designs for their creations.
In the event of a dispute with the original authors, where applicable, only the participant's
liability shall be engaged.
Article 8
The jury shall meet at the latest at the end of November 2005 in order to select the
winner(s) of the competition, i.e., a scriptwriter and/or an artist.
The jury shall be comprised of at least:
• one representative of GLENAT
• one representative of ARTE France
• authors of comics from various European countries
• one European cinema celebrity
• two journalists
The winner(s) shall win:
The publication of the comic book (co-publisher ARTE-Editions/GLENAT) at the latest at
the end of 2006, subject to all of the plates being submitted to Editions Glénat at the
latest on 30 June 2006. A valid publishing contract shall be put forward to the winner(s)
in conjunction with the payment of an instalment of €5,000.
The winner(s) shall be notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within
two months with effect from the date of the jury's meeting.
In order to avoid any disputes, the name(s) of the winner(s) shall be filed with SCP Louvion
et Plumel, Bailliffs in Boulogne-Billancourt (92), address: 23 rue Belle Feuille, 92100
Boulougne-Billancourt, France.
Article 9
The original creations shall remain the property of the creator and shall be protected
accordingly by applicable laws pertaining to creation and intellectual property in France.
Article 10
In the scope of the promotional initiative, subject to compliance with the author('s)(s') nonpecuniary
rights, the organising companies reserve the right to show the winning project and
the unselected projects, in full or in part, particularly on the ARTE channel, in magazines
they publish, on the two organising companies' respective websites, after obtaining the prior
consent of the author(s) in writing, without the latter being able to claim any compensation
Article 11
The organising companies reserve the right to amend, suspend, interrupt, defer, cancel or
extend the competition where required by the circumstances and their liability may not be
engaged as a result thereof.
Article 12
The organising companies reserve the right to use the names and image of the candidates
for advertising or promotional purposes.
If a candidate is opposed to his/her name and image being used for advertising or
promotional purposes, he/she must send notification to this effect by registered post with
acknowledgement of receipt to the following address:
Concours Européen de la Bande Dessinée
Glénat Editions
31/33 rue Ernest Renan
92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux
The winner, who accepts for his/her name and image to be used freely for advertising or
promotional purposes, shall do so without any rights to any benefits being conferred as a
result thereof.
Article 13
Participation in this competition implies the full and entire acceptance of these regulations
and the appendixes or riders thereto.
These regulations shall also be drawn up in English and German, it being understood that
the French version shall prevail over the other two versions.
The regulations of this competition shall be filed with SCP Louvion et Plumel, Bailliffs in
Boulogne-Billancourt (92), address: 23 rue Belle Feuille, 92100 Boulougne-Billancourt,
The regulations shall be available upon written request, with a stamped envelope for the
reply, sent to the following addresss:
Concours Européen de la Bande Dessinée ARTE/GLENAT
Glénat Editions
31/33 rue Ernest Renan
92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux
The regulations may also be consulted and downloaded on the two organising companies'
respective websites: www.glenatbd.com and www.arte-tv.com/concoursbd.
Any disputes regarding the interpretation or application of these regulations shall be referred
to the organising company for assessment, monitored by the Bailiff, who is the depositary of
the competition regulations and after his/her decision, without prejudice to any recourse to
the Regional Court of Nanterre ( Tribunal de Grande Instance), 4 rue Pablo Neruda, 92000
Nanterre, which has exclusive jurisdiction.


Le concours

1er Concours Européen de Bande Dessinée - 2ème édition

A vos planches ! Votre premier album édité par ARTE / Glénat !

Bande-annonce du concours :
Haut-débit / Bas-débit

Pour participer au Concours :
Il vous suffit d'être majeur, de n'avoir jamais publié de bande dessinée en France, Belgique ou Allemagne, et être ressortissant de l'un des pays européens suivants : France, Allemagne, Belgique, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Grande-Bretagne, Irlande, Grèce, Espagne, Portugal, Italie, Suisse, Autriche, Pologne, République Tchèque, Slovaquie, Hongrie, Slovénie, Bosnie, Croatie, Serbie, Monténégro, Roumanie, Bulgarie, Danemark, Suède, Norvège, Finlande.

Le projet à soumettre :
Il s'agira d'un récit complet dont le thème est l'aventure d'un personnage dans un des lieux mythiques européens. Le style et le genre sont laissés au choix du (ou des) auteur(s), en évitant cependant le style didactique. Le choix de l'époque pourra être indifféremment le passé, le présent et/ou le futur. Ce projet devra être conçu dans la perspective de réaliser un album de bande dessinée, le nombre de planches sera défini en fonction du projet retenu.

Les éléments à envoyer :
Les 5 à 8 premières planches de votre histoire (support papier homothétique 19 x 27, noir et blanc ou couleurs), ainsi que le synopsis de votre projet complet, dactylographié sur 4 pages maximum. N'oubliez pas d'indiquer au dos de chaque planche et de vos textes, vos nom, prénom, adresse, n° de téléphone et adresse e-mail. Les éléments devront parvenir, au plus tard le 30 novembre 2005 avant minuit à l'adresse suivante :

Concours européen de Bande Dessinée ARTE / Glénat
Éditions Glénat - 31-33, rue Ernest-Renan - 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

Le ou les lauréats seront sélectionnés par un jury de personnalités européennes en décembre 2005. Toute information sur le concours peut être consultée sur les sites www.arte-tv.com/concoursbd et www.glenat.com.

Extrait du règlement :
ARTE et les éditions Glénat organisent, du 30 mai au 30 novembre 2005 inclus, un grand concours de création de bande dessinée. Le jury se réunira au plus tard le 30 décembre 2005, afin d'élire le(s) lauréat(s) du concours. Le(s) lauréat(s) percevra une avance sur droits d’auteur de 5 000 euros à la remise de la totalité des planches. Son album sera co-édité par ARTE Editions et GLENAT. Règlement du concours déposé à la SCP Louvion et Plumel, huissiers à Boulogne-Billancourt (92), disponible sur simple demande écrite à l'adresse du jeu.